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When the humidifier is powered and turned on, the “On/Off” light is
illuminated green.
Any time the fill valve is activated, the “Fill” light illuminates green.
Any time the drain valve is activated, the “Drain” light illuminates green.
During initial start up with a new canister, the humidifier may run through
a series of fill/drain cycles until the conductivity of the water is in a
range that allows normal operation. During this time, the “Steam” light
illuminates green. If the humidifier cannot produce steam at the rated
level after trying for 48 hours, the “Steam” light illuminates yellow. The
humidifier continues to attempt to produce steam at the rated level for
another 48 hours in this mode. If the humidifier cannot produce steam at
the rated level in a total of 96 hours, the “Service” light will flash red.
The conductivity of naturally soft water, hard water, and softened water
changes as the water heats up, but the controller adjusts the water level
to maintain a nominal current between the electrodes. Over the life of the
canister, minerals that build up on the electrodes will reduce their effective
surface area and affect the resistance between them. The operating water
level will increase with use until it reaches the high water level probe. At
that point, the “Service” light will flash red indicating that the canister
needs to be replaced.
When the humidifier is operating, the “Steam” light on the front illuminates
green. If the internal controller attempts to make steam but the water does
not contain enough minerals to be conductive, the water level in the tank
will reach the high level point and the “Steam” light will illuminate yellow.
Any time power is disconnected or humidifier is turned off, the internal
timer for start-up and drain cycles is reset.
If the humidifier has operated 168 hours without a drain cycle, the drain
valve will open and drain the canister. Normal operation will continue.
If the humidifier is operating and a power failure occurs, once power
is restored, the “On/Off” light will flash green for one minute, then the
humidifier will turn on.
If the humidifier does not receive a call to operate in 72 hours, the
controller drains the canister. The humidifier will resume normal operation
when a call for humidity is made.
TABLE 1 – Display Panel
Icon Function
Main switch. Press to turn humidifier on and off.
Resets timer for start-up water conditioning.
Solid green when humidifier is turned on.
Flashes green for one minute once power is restored if
humidifier was operating when power was shut off.
Fill valve indicator.
Solid green during normal operation when canister water is
being replenished.
Flashes green (along with Drain light) indicating fill and
drain valves are pulsing to dislodge mineral deposits.
Solid red if canister needs water but water is not detected.
See Troubleshooting Guide.
Indicates call for humidity.
Solid green during call for humidity.
Solid yellow if humidifier cannot reach nominal output
within first 48 hours of operation due to insufficient water
conductivity. Humidifier will continue to cycle valves in
an attempt to reach capacity for an additional 48 hours.
Approximately 1/10 teaspoon of table salt can be added to
fill cup to increase conductivity of water.