Using the Browser
The browser is used to navigate the fi le system on the ARCHOS 105. The fi le
system is the same type of fi le system that is found on Windows
based computers.
This way, transferring fi les from your computer to your ARCHOS 105 is as easy as
‘drag and drop’. The fi le system is a hierarchical system which includes folders and
subfolders. Because you will be putting hundreds of fi les onto your ARCHOS 105, it
is STRONGLY ADVISED that you keep a neat and orderly fi le structure. We suggest
that you keep the predefi ned folders: Data (to carry miscellaneous data fi les with
you), Manuals, Music (all of your music fi les), Pictures (all of your photos), Playlists
(to hold all your music Playlists) and Video (all your video fi les).
7.1 Inside the MUSIC Folder
7.1 Inside the MUSIC Folder
The top level of your ARCHOS 105 includes the folder Music . Most people who create neat fi le structures for
their ARCHOS players make the following hierarchy within the Music folder.
Level 1 – Artist (Dire Straits, Madonna, Stravinsky, etc.)
Level 2 – Album (Brothers in Arms, American life, etc.)
Level 3 – Song (Money for Nothing, etc.)
The folders Music, Pictures and Video are special folders in that the Music , Photo and Video icons on the main
screen lead to these folders directly. They should not be deleted or renamed.
7.2 Navigating the Directory Structure
7.2 Navigating the Directory Structure
Just below the top status bar, the fi le path is displayed.
To navigate the directory structure you will use the UP/
DOWN controls of the navigation pad
to move through the fi les in a directory.
Press ENTER to enter a highlighted
folder. To go back up one level in the
directory structure, click on the LEFT
button. The contextual MENU button
allows you to create new folders, delete
folders, rename a fi le or folder, or display information
about a fi le.
Button Controls
Button Action
Up Highlights the previous fi le or folder in the current directory
Down Highlights the next fi le or folder in the current directory
Right Open double-browser or gives the focus to the right panel.
Left Goes to parent directory if single panel view. Gives the focus to the left panel when in double-browser mode.
ENTER Folder highlighted: enters this folder.
File highlighted: Plays the fi le.
Off/Escape Exit Browser mode.
Menu Displays the contextual menu.