5 & 7
“TV Standard” **
choose between the “NTSC (USA)” and “PAL (Europe)” systems (select the one
that is compatible with your country’s television system).
“TV Format” **
“4:3” or “16:9” - the format used by your television set to display images.
the option “Wide screen” becomes available when you set the “TV standard”
parameter to “PAL (Europe)”.
** These parameters do not appear if you choose the “HDMI” TV connection mode.
“Audio Output”
denes whether the audio signal is sent out via the “Analog Line-Out”, “HDMI” or
“SPDIF” interface depending on how you have connected the ARCHOS to your TV.
8.4 “aPPearanCe” seTTIngs
“Picture name”
allows you to choose a wallpaper for your ARCHOS. The wallpaper can be either
an image or a video. Select “None” if you do not want any background image or
you can choose between all default backgrounds or the images that you have
previously set as wallpapers.
you can also set a picture as wallpaper from the Photo and Video modes.
“Wallpaper color”
denes the color for your wallpaper, if you have disabled the use of a background
image or video.
use this button to discard any changes you may have made since entering this screen.