Problem: On the AV 700, I fi nd new fi le names and folder names that I never created and/or they have strange
gibberish names.
Answer: (Hard drive mode) Most likely, the AV 700’s fi le allocation table (FAT) has been corrupted. This could
have been due to the AV 700 shutting down (due to low battery power) while reading or writing to your computer
via the USB connection. To fi x a corrupted FAT problem, you should use the Error Checking utility or the Check
Disk utility explained at the end of this section. Attention: Windows and Macintosh often write extra fi les to the
hard drive such as fi nder.def or System volume info . These are normal and will not harm the AV 700.
Problem: Can I defragment the AV 700’s hard drive?
Answer: (Windows Device Mode) The AV 700 maintains an optimized fi le system and does not need to be
defragmented. Defragmenting will cause unexpected problems.
Problem: I want to reformat the AV 700’s hard drive.
Answer: You can do this, but it will erase ALL of the data on your AV 700. Sometimes this may be necessary
if your FAT (File Allocation Table) becomes so corrupted that nothing seems to fi x your fi le problems. First, as
explained below, you should run ScanDisk or the DOS chkdsk (Check Disk) program to try to fi x your problem.
If this doesn’t fi x your problem and you are sure you must reformat the AV 700 hard drive, then go to the screen
Settings > System and press and hold the DOWN action button for three seconds. A button “Format HD” will
appear. Use this button to format the AV 700’s hard drive. Remember, doing this will erase all the data on the
AV 700’s hard drive!!!
Problem: My fi les have disappeared from the AV 700.
Answer: To see all your fi les, in the Browser mode, make sure the action icon Show all fi les is turned on. Also make
sure that you browse your fi les via the Browser mode and not a fi ltered view such as Photo, Music, or Video .
ME Running Scan-Disk (Error Checking) – HARD DRIVE mode only
• Quit all running applications.
• Properly connect the AV 700 to your computer as explained in the chapter Connecting/disconnecting the
AV 700 to/from your PC .
• Make sure external AC adapter is powering the AV 700.
• Right click on the AV 700 hard drive in Windows
Explorer and select Properties.
• Select the Tools option and run the Error checking program.
• Make sure you check the box to automatically fi x errors .
• Be patient, this may take a while.
XP & 2000 Running Check Disk Utility (ChkDsk) – HARD DRIVE mode only
If you still have problems with the fi le system on your AV 700 you can try to fi x it using the DOS utility, check disk
(chkdsk). Do the following;
• Make sure external AC adapter is powering the AV 700.
• Quit all running applications.
• Properly connect the AV 700 to your computer as explained in chapter Connecting/disconnecting the AV 700
to/from your PC .
• Wait patiently (up to 5 minutes) for Windows XP to show the local drive as mounted.
• Open a DOS window. Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
• At the prompt, type chkdsk e: /f . Use e: or f: or whatever drive letter is representing your AV 700. The /f
argument tells the program to automatically fi x errors.
• Be patient, this may take a while.
• When fi nished, exit the DOS Window and properly disconnect the AV 700 from your computer.