4 Settings
Refer to the Quick Start Guide for basic information.
4.1 Setting the Time of Day Clock
To set the clock, click first on F1 Setup, then click on F3 (the time). You will be sent to the clock adjust screen as
shown to the left. Use the Up and Down to change a parameter’s value, and then Left and Right move to different
parameters. Click F2 when finished.
4.2 Play Mode, Repeat, and Shuffle
Depending on your preferences, you can have your MP3 music played in different ways. For example, you can have
it randomly play songs from all the songs on your Jukebox or have it repeat the songs in a given directory. Look at
the table in section 3.1 to see the different possibilities. Use the Play Mode submenu and the Repeat & Shuffle
submenu to set these options. When you find the setting you want, click on PLAY and a circle will appear in front of
the option indicating that it is the currently selected option.
The Startup Resume option, as shown in the screen to the left, is used to create a type of book mark to the place you where in the directory
structure when you last played a file. If set to On, each time you turn on your Jukebox, you will automatically be sent to the directory and
file that was last played.
4.3 Sound Settings
While listening to your music, you can adjust the sound settings to your personal preference. Click on [F1] Setup,
then with [Sound] highlighted, click on Play to enter the Sound Settings submenu. Using the UP and DOWN buttons,
highlight the parameter to change and then use the LEFT and RIGHT buttons to change it. The effect takes place
immediately. Click on F1 Back, two times to return to the screen you were originally at.
Parameter Description
Volume 32 levels of volume.
Bass 10 levels. Increases the low frequencies.
Treble 10 levels. Increases the high frequencies.
Loudness 10 levels. Increases the low mid frequencies
Balance 10 levels to the right or left
Bass Boost 10 levels. Increases the very low frequencies
Flat Readjusts all settings to a flat frequency response
Pitch 16 levels lower or higher. Changes the speed of the music.
4.4 System Settings
To enter the system settings submenu, click on [F1] Setup, scroll down to [Settings], then click Play to enter it. The
items marked with [ ] have secondary menus with a list of parameters. Highlight the parameter you want, then click
on Play to accept it.