Button controls while a song is playing
Increase the Volume
Click once : Play the previous song in the
folder or playlist
Hold : Fast reverse through the song.
Click once : Play the next song in the
folder or playlist.
Hold : Fast forward through the song.
µ Stop Song and return music browser
Decrease the Volume
Play/pause/resume song
Long hold to go to music browser
3.2 The ARCLibrary™ - Browsing by Artist, Album, or Title
The ARCLibrary is a database of all the songs in the
Music folder. You can choose your music to play by
artist, album, song title, genre, or year. Understand
however that not all music files have this information.
It depends on where you got the file from. Many
music files have information inside them to describe
what the music file is. These are called tags. Some
song files have all of these filled in and others have
none. Files of the type .wav do not have any tags
because the format does not allow it.
When you copy a song file or folder of files to your PMA400, your PMA400 is acting only as a
hard drive and does not ‘know’ what you are copying to it. Once you disconnect it from your
computer, you will have to go the music browser (just start the Music application) and select the
menu bar item Update ARCLIbrary. The PMA400 will then take a look at all the songs in the
music library, check to see if there are new ones, and then add the new ones to the database of
known songs. Now, when you choose to select your music from the various characteristics, you
will see your newly copied music. Understand that if your music files do not have the description
tags inside of them, then it be classified under unknown. The file name will be used in place of
the title if there is no song title tag.
3.3 Putting Music onto your PMA400
Because your PMA400 is seen as an external hard drive when connected to your computer, for
example, PMA400 (E:), you simply put your folders of MP3, WAV, or WMA formatted songs into
the folder Music on the PMA400 by dragging and dropping the files or by copy/pasting. If you have
purchased music from a web site that uses the Microsoft
copy protection system, you must use
Windows Media Player to transfer your music to the device in order for it to be played on the
PMA400. You will also be required to install the Archos supplied service provider plug-in in order
for Windows
Media Player to be able to recognize your PMA400 as a music device to copy to.
3.4 Play Music through your Home Stereo
Instead of connecting the red and white AV Out cables of your TV Cradle to your television,
connect them directly to your stereo system’s auxiliary inputs. Then put your device into the TV
cradle and play your music from there. You will have to adjust the output volume of the PMA400
so that it is neither too strong (creates distortion) or too weak (cannot hear it). Alternatively, you
can purchase the Archos travel kit which includes an AV Cable. With this cable, just plug it into
the headphone jack of the PMA400 and the other end’s white and red plugs to the Aux in, CD in,
or line-in of your stereo system.
3.5 The Resume Functions
You will notice on your PMA400 the Resume Icon. Use this icon to resume the last
played audio or video file. That is, it will pick up from the last played video or audio
file that did not completely finish.
For example, if you are listening to a long audio file and you stop it during mid play and shut off
your PMA400, you can continue listening from that point the next time you turn on your PMA400
by clicking on the Resume icon. In addition to this resume icon, if you stop a song in mid play,
and shut down your device, the next time you play the music file, it will start playing from the
point that you stopped it at previously.
4 AudioCorder Application
With this application you can make digital audio recordings from the built-in
microphone (Int. Mic), a connected dynamic microphone (Ext. Mic), or from a line
level audio source (Line In) such as a cassette player, CD player, or the line output
of your home stereo system.
You can use the red and white
cables (AV in) of your TV Cradle
to make line-in recordings or you
can purchase the optional Archos
travel kit which will allow you to
make line-in recordings with just a
cable and adapter, thus making
recordings anywhere, and without
the TV Cradle.