Ignition procedure
Press the ON/OFF button on the control panel to switch on the
boiler. The display shows:
● the operating mode:
Only heating - CLAS HE EVO SYSTEM
● The gures indicate:
the ow temperature when no heating requests have been made
- the ow temperature in central heating mode
the temperature of the hot water set in domestic hot water
The carrying out of certain functions is shown:
Deaeration cycle started
Centrl Heating Post-circulation
D.H.W. circuit Post-circulation
Electricity supply
- Check that the voltage and frequency of the electricity supply
correspond to the data shown on the boiler data plate;
- Make sure that the earthing connection is e cient.
First ignition
1. Make sure that:
- The gas valve is closed;
- The electrical connection has been properly carried out.
Make sure that, in any case, the green/yellow earthing wire is
connected to an e cient earthing system;
- Use a screwdriver to lift the cap on
the automatic air relief valve;
- Switch on the boiler (by pressing
the ON/OFF button) and use the
ODE button to select the standby
mode, where no hot water or
heating requests are made.
- Start the deaeration cycle by
pressing ESC for 5 seconds
The boiler will start a deaeration
cycle lasting about 7 minutes
(See below). If you need to stop it
press E
SC, alternatively it is possible to manually vent the heat
- At the end, check that the system is completely deaerated
and, if not, repeat the procedure.
- Bleed the air from the radiators;
- The exhaust duct for combustion products should be suitable
and free from any obstructions;
- Any necessary ventilation inlets in the room should be open
(type B installation).
- Check whether the condense trap contains water; if not, it
must be re lled.
N.B.: if the boiler will not be used for long periods, the
trap should be lled before the boiler is started up again.
It is dangerous not to re ll the siphon as fumes may be
released into the environment.
2. Open the gas cock and check the connection seals, including
the boiler connection joints, making sure that the meter does
not detect any passage of gas. Eliminate any leaks.
3. Start the boiler by selecting the heating or domestic hot water
operation using the M
ODE button.
Description of Function
Deaeration cycle
During the lling stage or if there is excess air in the system, the
deaeration cycle can be activated by holding the OK button for 5
seconds. The boiler will start a cycle which lasts approximately 7
minutes. When this is complete the menu screen will be restored.
The cycle may either be repeated, if necessary, or stopped by
pressing OK. Press the OK button until the normal display screen is
restored. I