IPF-2002L User Manual
6. WEB Configuration:
Start a Web browser, such as Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) , and enter the IPF-2000’s IP
address on the web browser. Address window . The IPF-2002L
Web configuration page is accessed by entering an assigned URL, or by pressing the IP button
from on the IPF-2002L front panel to display the IP address.
The IPF-2002L login screen is displayed:
The IPF-2002L web configuration password comes with two categories: User password and
Administrator password.
• The default User Password is 1234.
• The default Administrator Password is 12345678.
Enter one of the passwords and click the “Submit” button.
The following are the definitions for all the configuration parameters in the Web Configuration
6.1 Network Settings:
Networking Parameter Values
Fields Description
Set how IPF-2002L gets relevant network parameters by selecting
corresponding item from drop down list.
• static
Select this option to authorize users to configure IP address, subnet
mask and router IP address of IPF-2002L.
• dhcp
Select this option to enable DHCP server automatically assign all the
required network parameters to IPF-2002L
• pppoe
Select this option and then fill up the ppp id and ppp pin with PPPoE
account and password to enable the PPPoE connection. The ISP will
automatically assign all the required IP parameters to IPF-2002L.
ppp id
With PPPoE selected in iptype drop down list, please enter the user name in
this field.
ppp pin
With PPPoE selected in iptype drop down list, please enter the password in
this field.
local ip
With Static selected in iptype drop down list, please enter the IP address of
the IPF-2000 in this field.
subnet mask
With Static selected in iptype drop down list, please enter the Subnet Mask