Quick Installation Guide IPF-3000
E.g. 1: to call sip:, please dial “192*168*10*200”.
E.g. 2: to call sip:, please dial ”192*168*10*200**5070”.
(7) LAN Dialing
(Applicable only while both parties locate on the same LAN and their IP prefix, 24-bits,
are the same).
z Starts with a【*】
z Dial the last suffix of target IP (the number must be between 1 and 255, inclusive).
z Use 【**】for “:” if the target SIP agent does not listen on UDP port 5060.
E.g., if “” wants to dial “”, please dial 【*31#】 or
※ Note: 【*69】has been reserved for call return feature, please dial 【*069】
if you want to call a IP of “xxx.xxx.xxx.69”.
3. Add, Search, Delete and Modify Address Book
(1) Add new address
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』/『2.Add entry』
z Enter Display Nam, such as Michael
z Pick address type, default is SIP.
z Enter SIP AoR or ENUM number without protocol field, such as:
i. sip:
ii. sip: michael@A-voize.com
iii. tel: +886-3-5295000
(2) Search
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』/『1.Search』
z Enter the prefix to search or press 【Hold】to list all addresses
(3) Delete
Option 1:
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』/『1.Search』
z Search for the address to remove and press【HOLD】to view the item.
z Pick『2.Erase』from this address and press【HOLD】to delete it.
Option 2:
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』/【3.Erase】
z Choose either 『1.One by one』or『2.Erase all』to clear address book.
(4) Modify
z 『Main Menu』=>『1.Address book』/『1.Search』
z Search for the address you want to modify then press【HOLD】to view