
ASUS A8N-SLI Premium 5-43
5.8 Using the NVIDIA
nTune™ utility
The motherboard supports the NVIDIA
nTune™ utility that allows easy
and safe system tuning for optimum performance. This utility provides the
safest and easiest way to tweak voltages or change system bus speeds
and memory timings for maximum system performance.
Follow the NVIDIA Chipset Driver Program installation wizard to install the
nTune™ utility from the motherboard support CD.
After you have successfully installed the utility in your computer, launch
the nTune™ utility from the Windows
desktop by clicking Start > All
Programs > NVIDIA Corporation > nTune > nTune from the Windows
5.8.1 Managing your nForce™ system
The Manage my nForce™ system menu allows you to benchmark and
automatically tune your system, manage your nTune™ profiles, monitor
your system, troubleshoot performance, create a log, get online support
or update the BIOS. This menu also provides shortcuts to manage your
nForceware™ settings.
Click to launch Manage my
nForce™ system menu