ASUS AP1720-E1 barebone server
4. Make sure that the heatsink and
fan assembly is stable in place
and the fan power cable plug is
properly connected.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 2 to install the
heatsink and fan assembly for
the second CPU, then connect
the fan cable to the fan
connector labeled CPUFAN2.
Don’t forget to connect the
CPU fan cable plug. Hardware
monitoring errors may occur if
you fail to plug the fan cable.
3. When the heatsink and fan
assembly is in place, connect the
fan cable plug to the fan
connector on the motherboard
labeled CPUFAN1.
The fan cable plug is slotted
so it fits only in one
orientation. If it doesn’t fit
completely, try reversing it.
CPUFAN1 cable plug
CPUFAN2 cable plug