ASUS CRW-5232AS 39
Technical information
Environmental specifications
Temperature Operation: 0°C < to < 45°C
Storage: - 20°C to < 60°C
Humidity Operation: 20% to 80% non-condensing
Storage: 15% to 85% non-condensing
Vibration Operation: 0.3G peak at 5 ~ 500 Hz
Storage: 2.0G peak at 10 ~ 500 Hz
Impact Non-operation: 1 oct/min – no damage
Less than 50G – (at 11ms/half sine wave, 3 shock/each side)
Packaged: 1 oct/min – no damage
91 cm high – (1 corner, 3 edges, 6 surfaces)
Acoustic Access Mode: 47.5 dBa TYP
Read Mode: 45 dBa TYP
Reliability MTBF: 100,000 power on hours
ODC (Read): 20% of power on time
ODC (Write): 1% of power on time
Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) 30 minutes
* ODC - Operating Duty Cycle