Chapter 4: BIOS setupChapter 4: BIOS setup
Chapter 4: BIOS setupChapter 4: BIOS setup
Chapter 4: BIOS setup
Hard Disk [XXX Drive]Hard Disk [XXX Drive]
Hard Disk [XXX Drive]Hard Disk [XXX Drive]
Hard Disk [XXX Drive]
This item specifies the Serial ATA boot device priority sequence from the
available devices in a RAID configuration.
Configuration options: [xxxxx Drive] [Disabled]
Quick Boot [Enabled]Quick Boot [Enabled]
Quick Boot [Enabled]Quick Boot [Enabled]
Quick Boot [Enabled]
Enabling this item allows the BIOS to skip some power on self tests (POST)
while booting to decrease the time needed to boot the system. When set
to [Disabled], BIOS performs all the POST items.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Full Screen Logo [Enabled]Full Screen Logo [Enabled]
Full Screen Logo [Enabled]Full Screen Logo [Enabled]
Full Screen Logo [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the full screen logo display feature.
Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
When this item is set to [Disabled], the system displays normal POST
messages; when this item is set to [Enabled], the system displays OEM
Logo instead of POST messages.
AddOn ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]AddOn ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]
AddOn ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]AddOn ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]
AddOn ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]
Sets the display mode for option ROM.
Configuration options: [Force BIOS] [Keep Current]
Bootup Num-Lock [On]Bootup Num-Lock [On]
Bootup Num-Lock [On]Bootup Num-Lock [On]
Bootup Num-Lock [On]
Allows you to select the power-on state for the NumLock.
Configuration options: [Off] [On]
Boot Settings ConfigurationBoot Settings Configuration
Boot Settings ConfigurationBoot Settings Configuration
Boot Settings Configuration
Select Screen
Select Item
+- Change Option
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
v02.58 (C)Copyright 1985-2006, American Megatrends, Inc.
Boot Settings Configuration
Quick Boot [Enabled]
Full Screen Logo [Enabled]
AddOn ROM Display Mode [Force BIOS]
Bootup Num-Lock [On]
PS/2 Mouse Support [Auto]
Wait For ‘F1’ If Error [Enabled]
Hit ‘DEL’ Message Display [Enabled]
Interrupt 19 Capture [Disabled]
Allows BIOS to skip
certain tests while
booting. This will
decrease the time
needed to boot the