Chapter 3: Starting upChapter 3: Starting up
Chapter 3: Starting upChapter 3: Starting up
Chapter 3: Starting up
Utilities menuUtilities menu
Utilities menuUtilities menu
Utilities menu
The Utilities menu shows the applications and other software that the
motherboard supports.
SiS191/SiS190 Ethernet Device DriverSiS191/SiS190 Ethernet Device Driver
SiS191/SiS190 Ethernet Device DriverSiS191/SiS190 Ethernet Device Driver
SiS191/SiS190 Ethernet Device Driver
Installs the SiS191/SiS190 ethernet device driver.
SiS180/182 RAID Controller DriversSiS180/182 RAID Controller Drivers
SiS180/182 RAID Controller DriversSiS180/182 RAID Controller Drivers
SiS180/182 RAID Controller Drivers
Installs the SiS180/182 RAID controller drivers.
Make SiS180/182 SATA Driver DiskMake SiS180/182 SATA Driver Disk
Make SiS180/182 SATA Driver DiskMake SiS180/182 SATA Driver Disk
Make SiS180/182 SATA Driver Disk
Allows you to make a SiS180/182 Serial ATA driver disk.
USB 2.0 Card Reader SoftwareUSB 2.0 Card Reader Software
USB 2.0 Card Reader SoftwareUSB 2.0 Card Reader Software
USB 2.0 Card Reader Software
Installs the driver for the storage card reader. This item appears only on
Deluxe models.
AMD Cool ‘n’ Quiet DriversAMD Cool ‘n’ Quiet Drivers
AMD Cool ‘n’ Quiet DriversAMD Cool ‘n’ Quiet Drivers
AMD Cool ‘n’ Quiet Drivers
Installs the AMD Cool ‘n’ Quiet!™ Technology driver. Cool ‘n’ Quiet!™
Technology allows the system to dynamically and automatically select the
CPU speed, voltage, and power combination that matches the user’s
performance requirements.
USB 2.0 DriverUSB 2.0 Driver
USB 2.0 DriverUSB 2.0 Driver
USB 2.0 Driver
Click this item to install the USB 2.0 driver.