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©2012 Atlas Sound L.P. All rights reserved. Atlas Sound is a trademark of Atlas Sound L.P. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All specs are subject to change without notice. ATS004338 RevA 5/12
AH Series Loudspeakers
8", 12", and 15"
Speaker Cable Recommendations And Connection Instructions
Wire Gauges (8Ω operation)
For very short distance speaker cable runs (less than 25') 16-gauge, stranded, twisted pair speaker cable may be used. For speaker cable runs
between 25' and 75', 14-gauge, stranded, twisted pair speaker cable is recommended. For speaker cable runs greater than 75', 12-gauge, stranded,
twisted pair speaker cable is necessary. For runs exceeding 150', please contact tech support for proper wire gauge or other installation solution using
the Atlas Sound AF140 autoformer.
15" models AH5040S, AH9040S, and AH6565S input connections are provided on a convenient recessed terminal block located on the bottom of the
loudspeaker. This terminal block includes a clear weather resistant cover which should be re-installed after terminating the speaker cabling to prevent
corrosion in outdoor applications.
8" & 12" models include a built-in, high efficiency 60 Watt 70.7V transformer. 7.5, 15, 30, and 60 Watt taps are available on a convenient recessed
terminal block located on the bottom of the loudspeaker. A removable jumper and additional pole on the terminal block is included for 8Ω direct
coupled operation. This terminal block includes a clear weather resistant cover which should be re-installed after terminating the speaker cabling to
prevent corrosion in outdoor applications.
Allow an adequate service loop for this connection to allow tilt of the loudspeaker. The speaker should be installed angled slightly down for proper
water drainage — in outdoor installations.
Access Holes For Speak-On
Screw Terminal Connectors
Hole For Strain Relief
8" & 12"