Feature Reference
This chapter provides reference information for programming and using system
features. Features are listed in alphabetical order. System Programming
procedures include the procedure code (# and three-digit number) in the
heading; dial-code features include the feature code (F for [
Feature ] or I for
Intercom ], plus a two-digit code). Some feature codes also include a variable:
XX for a two-digit extension number from 10–57, LL for a two-digit line number
from 01–24, or G for a single-digit group number. Headings without codes are
general call-handling topics or Telephone Programming procedures.
Each feature includes the following information, if applicable:
Related Features
Valid Entries (
= factory setting)
This chapter gives step-by-step instructions, using the following conventions:
Programming instructions tell you to use the [ Next Data ] button to change
values for specific settings. You can, however, enter a value using the
keypad if you prefer. Similarly, there are different ways to exit
programming mode as described in Chapter 2—use the method with
which you are most comfortable.
For Telephone Programming, this chapter provides only the instructions
for Centralized Telephone Programming. To program from individual
extensions, users should refer to their Quick Reference cards.
All of the instructions in this chapter assume that system phones select outside
lines first and standard phones select intercom first (as determined by each
extension’s setting for
Automatic Line Selection).
See Chapter 2 for a review of the methods and buttons you can use while in
programming mode.