AT&T 8525
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my AT&T 8525 not turn on?
The power might be off or the battery might not be charged. See ‘Charge the Battery’ in the User
Manual for more information.
How do I turn on/off Bluetooth
Press the Comm Manager button on the upper right side of your AT&T 8525. Tap the Bluetooth
icon to turn Bluetooth on/off.
My battery seems to get used up very quickly. What can I do?
There are a few things you can do to conserve battery power.
1. Turn off the Bluetooth feature and WiFi when not in use in Comm Manager.
2. Adjust backlight settings to shorten lighting duration.
3. Lower key tone volumes and turn off any unwanted sound notifications.
4. Turn on “Hibernate” mode by tapping the power button when phone is not in use.
5. Turn on keypad or device lock to prevent accidental activation of device and backlight
Why am I not receiving a signal on my phone?
You may be outside of a coverage area or your phone could be in flight mode. To turn on/off
flight mode, tap the signal icon on the top of the screen. Then press Turn on flight mode/ Turn off
flight mode. To determine if you are in a coverage area you can check the AT&T Coverage Map or
contact AT&T at 1-866-246-4852.