Get Started Using Your BlackBerry 8700c
Setup Bluetooth Push to Talk Setup
More Info
To learn more about
Push to Talk features
click the trackwheel
while using the Push
to Talk, scroll to and
click Help.
1 minute
More Info
To learn more about
Bluetooth features
click the trackwheel
while in Bluetooth,
scroll to and click
Setup Bluetooth
1. On the Home screen, click BlackBerry Setup .
2. Click
Set up Bluetooth .
3. Click OK.
4. If required, type the passkey for the Bluetooth enabled accessory on
your BlackBerry
5. Once the Bluetooth enabled accessory is paired with your
8700c, you are ready to use Bluetooth.
Note: You can simultaneously use more than one Bluetooth enabled accessory with your
BlackBerry 8700c.
Push to Talk
Push to Talk (PTT) is a digital walkie-talkie that allows you to instantly
reach others by eliminating the dialing and ringing steps in a regular
cellular call. PTT calls can be made to one person or to a group of
Setup Push to Talk
Note: You must have a PTT subscription to set up the PTT service. PTT initialization might
take a few moments to complete.
1. On the Home screen, click Push to Talk or press the ptt
convenience key on the left side of the BlackBerry
2. Click Yes to initialize PTT.
3. Type a name that is up to 20 characters in length. This will be your
PTT user name.
4. Click OK.
Note: PTT is on when the PTT indicator appears on the Home screen.