If you have difficulty with your telephone, please try the suggestions below.
For Customer Service, or to purchase accessories or replacement parts, visit
our website at www.telephones.att.com, or call 1 (800) 222-3111.
In Canada, dial 1 (866) 288-4268. Have the serial number, found on the
underside of your telephone, available when contacting customer service.
Please retain your receipt as your proof of purchase.
My telephone appears to
be dead.
Make sure alkaline batteries with enough
charge are installed.
Unplug the telephone’s batteries and telephone
line. Wait for approximately 15 seconds, then
re-install them. Allow up to one minute for the
telephone to synchronize.
There is no dial tone. First, try all suggestions in My telephone
appears to be dead on this page.
The telephone line cord might be
malfunctioning. Try installing a new telephone
line cord.
Make sure the coiled handset cord is securely
installed between the handset and the
telephone base.
Disconnect the telephone base from the
telephone jack and connect a different
telephone. If there is no dial tone on that
telephone either, the problem is in your wiring
or telephone service. Contact your telephone
service provider (charges may apply).
I cannot dial out. First, try all suggestions in There is no dial
tone on this page.
Make sure there is a dial tone before dialing.
It is normal if the telephone takes a second or
two before producing a dial tone. Wait an extra
second before dialing.
Check that all the telephones connected to the
same telephone line are hung up.