146 Experiencing Multimedia
File formats supported
Using the above capture modes, the camera in your device captures
files in the following formats:
Capture type Format
Still image JPEG
Video MPEG-4 (.mp4)
MMS Video H.263 baseline (.3gp), MPEG-4 (.mp4)
Panorama / Sports / Burst
Camera controls
Use the following device buttons and on-screen controls to take photos
or video clips and to modify settings.
The Camera and Enter buttons
Press the Camera button on the device to open the Camera screen. If
already on the Camera screen, you can use either the Camera button
or the Enter button as the shutter release.
• Press the Camera button or the Enter button to take a photo or
contacts picture.
• Press the Camera button or the Enter button to start recording
video; press it again to stop recording.
• Press the Camera button or the Enter button each time when
taking photos for a picture theme or panorama.
• To take consecutive shots in Sports mode, press the Camera
button or the Enter button shortly, then move your device to follow
the movement of your subject.
• Press and hold the Camera button or the Enter button when
taking consecutive shots in Burst mode.
The Navigation Control
• Press Navigation Control up or down to increase or decrease the
zoom level.
• Press Navigation Control left or right to go to the previous or next
sequential capture mode.