Introduction and Safety
Safety Planning
Planning for an Emergency
Contact your local police department, fire depart-
ment, doctor, and alarm dealer for advice on
handling household emergencies. Ensure that
every member of your household or business
knows exactly what to do if an emergency occurs.
Plan in advance how each person should
respond to an alarm.
Discuss the different alarm
signals, make sure everyone is familiar with them,
and make a plan for each person. If you have
children, be sure that you instruct them carefully
and that they understand. Establish a meeting
place outside the building, so you can account for
everyone in case of fire or other emergency.
Practice safety procedures so that everyone can
respond quickly in a crisis.
In case of a fire alarm, everybody should leave
the building immediately
by way of planned
escape routes and meet at a planned location.
If You Hear an Audible Alarm When You Return
If you return to an audible alarm, do not enter the
building. You might be walking into a fire or an
intruder might still be inside. Go to a neighbor or
public phone and call the fire department or police.
Testing Your Alarm System Weekly
Test your alarm system every week. Be sure to
use the procedures on page 22, to prevent false
Fire Protection
To Reduce the Risk of Fire
Minimize hazards:
Store flammable materials properly. Avoid
cleaning with flammable liquids such as gaso-
line. If at all possible, prohibit explosive or
burning materials in your building.
Keep all areas clear of debris. A cluttered attic,
basement, or storage area increases the risk of
Do not leave children unattended.
Do not overload electrical outlets.
If you have installed this system in a building
where children or invalids are present, the fire
department can provide you with window decals
that indicate where to look first in the event of a
If the Smoke Alarm “Beeps” Repeatedly
The Supervised Smoke Detector beeps once every
14 seconds when the batteries are low. Replace
the batteries immediately (see page 17).
If the Smoke Alarm Is Triggered
Smoke detectors warn you of a fire in its early
stages, so that you can escape the building before
smoke reaches a dangerous concentration level.
When the smoke alarm is triggered, the Super-
vised Smoke Detector’s internal siren sounds and
the smoke detector transmits the alarm to the
Communication Control Unit (CCU). Also, the On/
Alarm light in the center of the Supervised Smoke
Detector Transmitter glows steadily. (During
normal operation, this On/Alarm light flashes about
once every 7 seconds.) Immediately follow the
evacuation instructions given below. If your
security system is connected to a central monitor-
ing service, an emergency call will be initiated.
Evacuation Procedures
Do not panic-escape may depend upon clear
Get out of the building following planned escape
routes, if possible. Do not stop to collect valu-
Open doors carefully only after feeling them to
see if they are hot. If a door is hot, do not open
it-follow an alternate escape route.
Keep close to the floor-smoke and hot gases
Keep doors and windows closed unless it is
necessary to open them to escape.
Meet at a pre-established meeting place after
leaving the building.
Never reenter a burning building. Use a
neighbor’s phone or a street fire alarm box to
call the fire department.