This feature allows you to set an alarm to ring at a specific time.
From the home screen, select Main Menu > My Stuff > Tools > Alarm. Press the
OK Key to edit and configure the alarm as needed.
Alarm Switch: Turns the alarm clock on or off.
Alarm Time: Specifies the time when the alarm will sound.
Recurrence: Configure the alarm to repeat daily, or only on certain days of the
week if desired.
Alarm Tone: Select the alarm tone.
Snooze: Select the length of time for the snooze timer. When the snooze timer is
activated after the alarm begins to sound, the alarm will be silent until the snooze
timer elapses.
Alarm Notes: Enter reminders or other information that will be displayed when the
alarm sounds.
Note: Even if the phone is turned off, the alarm will still sound.
With the Calendar feature you can set appointments and view events.
From the home screen, select Main Menu > My Stuff > Tools > Calendar. Press the
Left Soft Key for Options to access the following menu:
New: Create a new appointment or task reminder.
Appointment: Add an appointment.
TO DO: Add a task.
Weekly View: View the schedule for the current week.
40 Tools
Go to: Jump directly to a specified date on the Calendar.
Today: View the events of the current day.
Date: Enter a date and view the scheduled events of that day.
View All Events: View a chronological list of all appointments and tasks that have
been scheduled.
Delete: Delete some or all of the appointments and tasks on your phone.
Before a Special Day: Delete all appointments and tasks scheduled prior to the
date you select.
All: Delete all appointments and tasks in the phone.
Settings: Change the Default View or the first day of the week.
The Calculator provides the basic arithmetic functions: addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
From the home screen, select Main Menu > My Stuff > Tools > Calculator.
Enter the first number using the Number Keys.
Select the operator by using the 4-Way Navigation Key.
Enter the second number.
Press the OK Key to view the result.
• Press the Right Soft Key for Clear to clear digits and results.
• Enter # to toggle the number between positive and negative.
• Enter * to enter a decimal point.