Replacing the Stylus
While holding the head of the tone arm, rotate the front of the
stylus assembly in a forward and down motion to remove it
(Fig. 9). (As you remove the old assembly, note its position and
“feel,” to aid in properly installing the new one.)
Install the new stylus assembly as shown in Figures 10a/10b,
being careful not to touch the actual stylus. Make certain that
the projection at the back of the assembly is fully seated in the
cartridge body
first (Fig. 10a), and that the assembly “clicks”
up into place, with no gap between its top edge and the front
of the black plastic tone arm head (Fig. 10b). Replace the stylus
after 400 hours of use.
To maintain original performance, insist upon a genuine
Audio-Technica brand replacement stylus. Look for the
Audio-Technica trademark ( ) on the front of the stylus
assembly and on the packaging.
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
8a 8b 8c
Figure 10 Installing a new stylus
Caution: When the tone arm reaches the end of the
record, it will lift and return to the tone arm rest
automatically. When this happens,
do not interfere with
the tone arm’s motion, or damage to the mechanism
may occur.
If the tone arm does not return automatically to the tone
arm rest after the record has finished playing, simply press
the STOP button to complete operation.
Manual Operation
1. Remove the stylus guard from the stylus assembly
(Fig. 4).
2. Put a record on the turntable. If needed, use the 45
RPM adapter (Fig. 5).
3. Select the size of record: 12" or 7" (Fig. 6).
4. Select the speed: 33
PRM or 45 RPM (Fig. 7).
5. Press the Lift button IN to raise the tone arm (Fig. 8c).
3. Gently move the tone arm so the stylus is over the
point on the record where play is desired to begin.
4. Press the Lift button again to gently lower the tone
arm and play record.
Figure 9 Removing the stylus
Engage in
body first
No gap here