Each AT-MX381 includes the SmartMixer Software application on CD Rom. This application allows the
installer to configure many of the AT-MX381 features without needing to open up the unit or remove it from
a rack. To use this powerful configuration tool, load the application onto a PC running the Windows
operating system (Win 98-SE, 2000, or XP), connect the PC to an AT-MX381 (Master Unit in a multiple
SmartMixer setup) via the RS232 data port, and run the application.
Functions configurable through the software include:
Default setting
Input Attenuation 0 dB (MIC), -35 dB (LINE) 0 dB (MIC)
Phantom Power (Per Input) Off
Channel Priority Select (Per Input) Off
Threshold Level 8 (When PC is connected)
Mode (Manual/Auto Mixer) Auto Mixer
Output Attenuation (MIC/LINE) 0 dB (MIC)
Force – ON Override (Per Input) Off
Force – OFF Override (Per Input) Off
Direct Output Select (Pre/Post Gate) Pre Gate
Gate Hold Time 0.5 Second
Gate Attenuation (Per Input) 36 dB
Low Cut Filter (Per Input) Off
“Last Mic On” On
Output Limiter (Overall) Off
Output Level Indicator (Pre/Post Master) Pre Master
Lock Mode (Control Lockout) Disabled
uter re
To run the SmartMixer Software, the following minimum computer hardware and software configuration
are required:
Pentium™ processor running at 166 MHz or better
100 MB hard disk space recommended for application
9 pin RS232 Serial Data Port (Com Port) to connect to
CD ROM Drive
Computer display capable of supporting at least 1024
x 768 pixel resolution
Operating System / Software
Microsoft® Windows® 98 and up including the
following versions:
98 second edition
NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5
2000 Professional with Service Pack 2 or Higher
2000 Server with Service Pack 2 or Higher
2000 Advanced Server with Service Pack 2 or Higher
XP Home
XP Professional
Note: SmartMixer Software will not run on a LINUX® or Apple® Macintosh® based system.
Note: the SmartMixer Software requires the Microsoft .NET framework. If your
computer does not have .NET framework installed, you will be asked to install it during
setup. After installation, you will be asked to restart your computer.