
IP Office ContactStore 7.8 Page 76
15-601038 Issue 4b (06 July 2009)IP Office
· Check disk space in all partitions. If any of these is 0 or less than 50MB, this may be the problem. Check
for build up of log files. Check that the call details database hasn't exceeded the available space. Consider
reducing the number of months of calls kept-use the purge settings on the Server configuration page to
adjust this.
· Check that the Tomcat server is running. This runs as Windows service 'ContactStore'
· Check for messages in the web log files.
· Reboot the ContactStore server and watch for error messages on startup.
Partial recording problems
Since no hardware component in the system is dedicated to specific ports, any hardware problem is likely to affect all
recordings equally. Therefore, if some calls are being recorded and are playable but others are not, the problem is
probably in the recording configuration of Voicemail Pro.