2-20 User Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
Chapter 2
Figure 2-10. Add User Account Web Page
4. In the User Name field, enter a unique user name. User names can
consist of a maximum of 31 characters.
5. In the Password field, enter a password for the user name. Passwords
can consist of a maximum of 31 characters.
*Note: Do not use a combination of the following special
characters for the password ;, ?, \,(,),#, $,%, ^, &, or *.
6. In the Re-enter Password field, reenter the password that you entered in
the Password field.
7. In the Expiration Period (weeks) field, enter the number of weeks for
which the user account is valid. The expiration period can range from 3
to 999 weeks. The default setting is 0, no expiration.
When a user account expires, you must reset the account. For
information on resetting a user account, see “Modifying a User
Account” later in this chapter.