MDW 9040 Wireless Pocket Phone Installation and Use,
503-801-190 Issue 2, February 2001 99
E Wall-Mounting Templates
This Appendix includes two wall-mounting templates for the following:
Battery Charger Wall-Mounting Template
Use the template below to position the screws for mounting your MDW 9040 Wireless Pocket Phone battery
1 Cut out the template along the dotted line.
2 Lightly affix the template to the wall with tape where you want to attach the
battery charger. If possible, choose a location that will position at least one of the
screw holes over a wall stud.
3 Mark the wall.
4 Position a wall spacer on each of the two wood screws provided, and insert the
screws in the wall as far as they will go at the places you marked.
Note: If you cannot locate a wall stud for one of the screws, use molly bolts or
another type of hollow-wall fastener. Be sure to place the wall spacers on
the screws before inserting them permanently.
Battery Charger Wall-
Mounting Template
Use this template to position the screws for
mounting your MDW 9040 Wireless Pocket
Phone battery charger.
Spacing Template for Mounting
Multiple Dual Radio Modules
Use this template to determine spacing for
mounting more than one radio module.
1.5 inches (3.81 cm)
center to center