
1. Getting Started
Please take time to read the instruction booklet to familiarize
yourself with your pump. It is important that you know exactly
how your ISIS i
UNO works. You should use the pump at home
until you feel completely at ease, before beginning to use it
outside the home.
The ISIS i
UNO Deluxe bag has been specially designed for
you to discreetly express and store your breast milk, while
away from your baby, then bring it home safely. You can
maintain your milk supply by expressing at a time you
would normally breast feed and continue to breast feed
when you and your baby are together.
Before using your ISIS i
UNO breast pump and bag,
please consult your doctor or lactation consultant regarding
your breastfeeding and breast milk expression schedule.
2. How to Pack
Before you go out, make sure your breast pump,
containers and sealing discs are cleaned and sanitized.* The
pump body and breast milk storage components are sterilizer
and dishwasher safe. Always ensure your hands are clean before
packing your breast pump into the bag, using the travel and
funnel covers to keep the pump sterile and compact for travel,
as shown.
Do not attach containers to the pump. Fit the sealing discs
into the screw rings and screw them onto the milk containers.
Pack the milk containers in the insulated travel bag with the
two frozen gel packs taken from the freezer.
*‘Cleaning and Sanitizing Your ISIS iQ’is on page 6 of the ISIS iQ UNO
‘Guide to Your Pump’booklet.