Aviom A-16R and A-16CS User Guide
1 2
Group Solo Mute
In Recall Mode
All Volumes
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14
15 16
All Volumes Zero
Note: The text on the right side of the A-16CS Control Surface
reads “In Recall Mode All Volumes Zero” as a reminder that
this function is always available.
Changing Channel Settings
When the A-16CS Control Surface is used to control an A-16R
remotely, all edits made on the A-16CS will be reflected immediately
on the A-16R.
To make a change to a Channel using the A-16CS Control Surface,
first select a Channel by pressing a numbered button. Then the
Channel is available for editing.
On the A-16CS Control Surface you can change
• Volume
• Panning for mono channels
• Spread for stereo channels
• Mute status
• Grouping
In addition to these changes, you can use Solo Mode to audition your
edits to a Channel while all other Channels are temporarily silenced.
All mix editing features function as previously described in the A-16R
section of this document.
Channel Volume and Pan Control
When you change the volume of a Channel from the A-16CS, the LEDs
in the Volume section of the Personal Mixer and A-16CS will move
simultaneously and will indicate the level changes in real time. There
are twelve LEDs in the Volume indicator, each capable of displaying
two levels, for a total of twenty-four visible lighted steps. When no
LEDs are lit, Channel volume is at its minimum setting.