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Power Window Control:
Automatic power window control is pro-
vided with the 529T and 530T systems. These can operate
power windows, and can roll them up automatically when the
system is armed, roll them down, or both up and down.
installation options
Installation options may require additional parts or labor. Please
consult your dealer.
PPrrooggrreessssiivvee UUnnlloocckkiinngg::
With electric power door locks, the
system can be configured so that when disarmed, only the
driver’s door unlocks. A second press of the disarm button within
15 seconds of disarming unlocks the remaining doors.
HHoorrnn HHoonnkk::
If connected, the horn will sound if the alarm is
either triggered by an intrusion or activated by Panic Mode. (In
most vehicles, this feature requires that an additional relay be
IInntteerriioorr LLiigghhtt IIlllluummiinnaattiioonn::
The interior domelight can be
configured to illuminate for 30 seconds after the alarm is
disarmed. If the system is rearmed during that 30-second period,
the interior light illumination will terminate until the alarm is
disarmed once again.