© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
LLeeaarrnn RRoouuttiinnee wwiillll bbee eexxiitteedd iiff::
■ Door is closed.
■ Ignition is turned off.
■ Program switch is pressed too many times.
■ More than 15 seconds between steps.
ttrraannssmmiitttteerr ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss
The transmitters can be programmed with the standard or single button arm/disarm configurations by using the
Auto Learn functions in the Transmitter/Receiver Learn Routine.
A remote that uses the standard configuration operates similarly to many factory keyless entry remotes. A stan-
dard configuration transmitter allows arming, disarming, and Panic Mode activation with separate buttons. When
programmed for standard configuration, the transmitter buttons are assigned to the following functions:
Panic ON/Panic OFF
panic off
....................................operates...........................Remote start
.....................................operates...........................Channel 2—trunk
and .......................operate............................3 hr Timer Mode
and .......................operate............................24 hr Timer Mode
and .....................operate ..........................Short Run/Turbo
and .......................operate............................Temperature
..................................................................................Control Start
bbuuttttoonn ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn -- 11 wwaayy
ssttaannddaarrdd ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn