
© 2005 directed electronics—all rights reserved
CCuutt aalloonngg ddootttteedd lliinnee aanndd ffoolldd ffoorr aa qquuiicckk aanndd eeaassyy rreeffeerreennccee ttoo kkeeeepp iinn yyoouurr ppuurrssee oorr wwaalllleett..
VVaalleett TTaakkeeoovveerr
Press and release on the transmitter twice in 3 seconds. Turn the
ignition key to the OFF position. Once the vehicle has started, it will run
for the pre-programmed period of time (12, 24, or 60 minutes).
RReeaarr WWiinnddooww DDeeffooggggeerr
Press the , , and buttons simultaneously to turn the defog-
ger on or off when remote starting. When a remote start is initiated, the
parking lights will flash 2-times if the defogger is set to off, and will
flash 3-times if the defogger is set to on.