
7. Basic set up procedures
7.11 BuildupahangingOLiterentaldisplaywithtrussbeams
Hanging OLite rental display
A hanging OLite rental display is built up row by row. Each row is built by placing the OLite rental flight cases next to each other and
fastening the OLite tiles side by side. The complete row is then lifted up directly out of the flight cases.
WARNING: Ensure that the truss installation is able to support the complete load of the OLite rental display
before attaching OLite tiles.
WARNING: The maximum height of a hanging OLite rental display is 15 tiles high.
Necessary tools
Hoisting equipment.
OLite truss beams.
How to build up a hanging OLite rental display with truss beams ?
1. Ensure you understand and follow all the safety guidelines, safety instructions and warnings mentioned in the chapter "Safety",
page 3 of this manual.
2. Place as much flight cases, without cover, next to each other as there will be OLite rental columns in the display.
Image 7-28
Open one flight case per display column.
3. Construct one OLite row by fastening the outer OLite rental tiles inside the flight cases side by side with each other. See "Attach
OLite rental tiles next to each other", page 47.
Image 7-29
Fasten the outer tiles together.
4. Unlock the OLite row from the flight cases. Turn the big handles upwards and then pull them out.
5. Place truss beams (single or dual) upon the
complete unlocked OLite row. Make sure the truss beams are attached correctly
with the OLite tiles. See "Attach an OLite truss beam upon an OLite rental tile", page 44.
R5976832 OLITE RENTAL DISPLAY 29/05/2007