Barco - RHDM-1701 - Maintenance Manual ______________________________________________ 25
If installing a new communication board does not solve the issue, the IRIS board
is the most likely cause of the problem. The IRIS board can only be replaced by
Barco qualified personnel. Send the display unit back to Barco.
6.10 Color diagnostics
Each display unit is calibrated in the factory with the highest precision to the
correct white point, primaries and gamma. Two main issues can cause color
• Matching between the display unit and other types of displays (e.g. CRT
technology based display units)
Make a visual inspection of the displayed image. Check for the problems
described below:
• One horizontal stripe of the display unit has a different color than the rest of
the screen
• The whole image as an extreme color (such as purple, green, red, etc…)
If one of the problems described above occurs, follow the diagnostics procedure
• Restart the display unit
• If the problem persists or occurs frequently, try an update to the latest firm-
• If the above checks do not resolve the issue, the display unit will have to be
serviced and/or send back to Barco.
Matching problems
If the display color resembles the needed color (e.g. compared to a CRT), but is
slightly ‘off’ (white point slightly reddish, greenish, purplish etc) from the
expected color, several settings can be checked to obtain a better matching. The
points below describe the possible steps that can be taken to reach the desired
color matching:
• Make sure the display is warmed up (wait at least 20 minutes)
• Press the CAL button and select the appropriate color space (e.g. Rec.709
for HD content, EBU 3213 for European SD content, SMPTE C for US SD con-
tent, etc…)
• Check in the color working space menu (
) if the white point, gamma and/
or RGB primaries correspond to the standard values as specified in the User
• The white point of the RHDM can still differ slightly with respect to another
display unit (e.g. a reference CRT monitor). Try to manually adjust the white
point of the display unit. Differences in white point can be related to:
3 different technologies
3 different calibration sensors
3 metameric difference of a human observer because of difference
between LED and phosphor spectra