
Channel priority ON/OFF switch (option upwarts serial no.:
Call up function SF 18 using the MDE key. The following displays appe-
ars :
Top line SF 18
Bottom line CS channel number
Using the kHz (steps of 1) or MHz (steps of 10) switch, select the de-
sired channel. Store the channel by pressing the STO key. Several
channels can be selected on priority channels.
o Squelch fast mode (upwarts serial no.: 46)
Call up function SF 19 using the MDE key. The following displays appe-
ars :
Top line SF 19
Bottom line 0 or 1
0 = Squelch fast mode OFF
1 = Squelch fast mode ON
Select the function using the kHz switch. Store the value by pressing the
STO key.
Operating Instructions
Page 30 Issue 05/2000
8 Frequency selector switch Switches the indicator frequency
(inner rotary switch) in 25 kHz steps or the storage
channel by 1 step in each case
upwards or downwards, without
carry over.
Operating instructions
Switching on the portable VHF station
Switch on the portable VHF station using the ON/OFF switch (rotate vo-
lume control clockwise).
Both LCDs must show the numbers 188.88 flashing (unit test approxi-
mately 2 seconds). If the test is positive, the portable VHF station auto-
matically switches to the mode which was selected before switch-off. If
the test is negative, the LCD flashes for approximately 5 seconds. A fault
report can be called up by pressing the store key. After approximately
5 seconds the portable VHF station automatically switches to the mode
which was selected before switch-off.
The following fault signals are possible :
E1 Processor defective
E2 Synthesizer failed
E3 Fault in EE-PROM
E4 Controller (PIC) audio board defective
The various modes are comprehensively described in the annex to the
general operating instructions.
Becker GK 415 - ( )
Issue 05/2000 Page 11