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Wall-Mounting Instructions (Optional)
NOTE: Required hardware not included. Refer to the wall-mount instructions
for required tools and materials.
STEP 1: Position the template on the wall where you
want to mount the RG Battery Backup and
tape in place.
STEP 2: Make a mark on the wall in the 2 screw locations
indicated on the template. Remove the template
from the wall.
STEP 3: Use a drill to drill holes where you made the
mark on the wall. If you drill into a wall stud,
proceed to Step 5. If not, go to Step 4.
STEP 4: Insert anchor(s) into the hole(s).
STEP 5: Screw in the screw, leaving it protruding
1⁄4 inch from the wall.
STEP 6: Mount the RG Battery Backup on the screw heads.
Mounting holes