
Headzone Software Control Panel
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8.8 Firmware Updates
8.8.1 Updating the Headzone Software Control Panel
Updates of the Headzone Software Control Panel will be available as a new installation package as described in chapter 6. “How to
install the Headzone Software - Windows”. Before installing a new software package you must not necessarily uninstall the current
Headzone software and audio drivers as these will automatically be uninstalled before copying new software and drivers.
Drag & drop the new Headzone software control panel into your applications folder. When being asked if you want to overwrite the
existing application, click “Yes”.
8.8.2 Updating Audio Drivers
Updates of the Headzone audio drivers will be available as a new installation package as described in chapter 6. “How to install the
Headzone Software - Windows”. Before installing a new software package you must not necessarily uninstall the current Headzone
software and audio drivers as these will automatically be uninstalled before copying new software and drivers.
As Headzone uses the native Core Audio drivers of Mac OSX, updates of these drivers will not be available from beyerdynamic, but
are part of the regular OSX updates provided by Apple.
8.8.3 Updating the DSP
Update firmware
The DSP within your Headzone base station features implemented upload functions to update the DSP firmware. Updates of the
Headzone DSP Firmware will be available as a “.hex” update file. To install a DSP update on your Headzone base station, please
follow these steps:
1. Turn on your Headzone base station and connect it to your PC via Firewire . Open the Headzone software control panel and
check the status bar at the bottom if the control panel is connected to your hardware.
2. Navigate to the “Advanced” tab of the software control panel and click “Load update file… “ in the “Firmware Update” box.
3. A window will be opened where you can choose your update file. Prior to this, please select “Headzone DSP firmware file
(*.hex)” using the pulldown menu at the bottom of the window.
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