Tieing and Bracing
Quantities and location of ties, guys and bracing will vary
depending upon the scaffold size, weight, shape and load
conditions. The following general guidelines indicate minimum
bil-jax requirements and are not all inclusive. When design-
ing scaffolds with unique conî‚¿gurations or special loading
conditions, consult with bil-jax engineering or a professional
structural engineer prior to design î‚¿nalization.
Proper access and platform toeboards are required
on all scaffolds. These items have been eliminated
from the illustrations in this section for clarity pur-
poses only.
When designing a square or rectangular scaffold, bil-jax rec-
ommends a horizontal diagonal be included in the base de-
sign. This horizontal diagonal will aid the erector in providing
a square scaffold.
bil-jax tube and clamp components may be substituted for
systems scaffold bracing members or horizontal diagonal
members. When doing so, the load capacity of these com-
ponents and their effect on the completed scaffold must be
Assure ties, standoffs or guys are located at runner and bearer
levels only.