
4.0 General Operation and Special Features
2.Unlocking the &V and &Z commands. If an administrative password is
implemented, the Hayes compatible &V and &Z commands cannot be
accessed unless they are first unlocked using the current administrative
password. (&V is used to view the active modem configuration, stored
phone numbers, password commands and passwords; &Z is used to store
phone numbers, password commands and passwords). To unlock the
&V and &Z commands, enter the following command; substituting
your password for SECURITY:
The &V and &Z commands are accessible. To re-lock the &V and &Z
commands, enter AT Z. The DTE responds with OK, and the &V or &Z
commands will not function until they are unlocked.
3.Programming security callback operation. Use the commands AT& Z and
/P to specify the callback phone number and password to be used. The
following example programs memory location 3 for callback operation:
AT &Z3=T5551212/PVIOLET
The callback number in this example is 555-1212 (with T used to specify
tone dialing); the password is VIOLET. A remote user can now call from
the specified callback number, 555-1212. After the modems connect, the
remote user presses the Enter key. The DTE prompts the user to enter
the assigned password by displaying the PASSWORD? query. Upon
receipt of the correct password, VIOLET, the local Modem calls back the
remote user at 555-1212. Once this connection is established, data may
pass freely.
Callback numbers and passwords may be stored only in memory
locations 2 through 9.
4.Programming pass-through operation. Use the commands AT &Z and /P
to specify the password used for pass-through operation. The following
example programs memory location 5 for pass-through operation:
The password is YELLOW. The DTE prompts the user to enter the
assigned password by displaying the PASSWORD? query. If the user
enters the correct password, YELLOW, the call is connected.