
ServSwitch Agility and Agility Dual
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Page 36
A.3 Creating an efficient network layout
Network layout is vital. The use of IGMP snooping also introduces certain constraints, so take heed:
• Keepitflat.Useabasicline-cascadestructureratherthanapyramidortreearrangement.
• Keepthedistancesbetweentheswitchesasshortaspossible.
• Ensuresufficientbandwidthbetweenswitchestoeliminatebottlenecks.
• WheretheServSwitchiPathmanagerisusedtoadministermultipleServSwitchAgilitytransceivers,ensuretheServSwitchiPath
manager and all ServSwitch Agility units reside in the same subnet.
• DonotuseVGAtoDVIconverters,insteadreplaceVGAvideocardsinoldersystemswithsuitableDVIreplacements.
Converters cause ServSwitch Agility local units to massively increase data output.
• Whereverpossible,createaprivatenetwork.
A.3.1 The recommended layout
The layout shown in Figure A-1 below has been found to provide the most efficient network layout for rapid throughput when
using IGMP snooping:
Figure A-1. Recommended layout for networking ServSwitch Agility local and remote units where IGMP snooping is used
• Usenomorethantwocascadelevels.
• EnsurehighbandwidthbetweenthetwoL2switchesandveryhighbandwidthbetweenthetopL2andtheL3.Typically10GB
and 20GB, respectively for 48 port L2 switches.
Layer 2 Switch
Layer 2 Switch
20GB link
10GB link
1GB links
Layer 3