Audio/Serial Interface Setup and Operation
ACU1006VRA and ACU1006DVRA only
Serial Port Configuration
No setting up or user adjustments are required.
In the Audio/Serial extender family, the serial port is wired as DTE - the same as that on a
PC. To connect a serial printer or other DTE (rather than DCE device) to the Remote Unit,
you will need a Null-Modem crossover cable between the Remote Unit and the printer. Select
Xon/Xoff software flow control on the printer and PC.
A serial touch screen may be plugged directly into the Remote Unit.
Please note that on dual access Local Hubs, the serial link is always active.
Handling Multiple Serial Devices
The extender’s serial interface transmits/receives six signals (3 signals in each direction).
Normally, four of these signals are used for hardware handshaking (in addition to TX & RX).
However, because each handshaking line can support signals up to 19,200 Baud it is possible
to configure the serial interface to handle up to three simple 2-wire (Tx/Rx only) serial links.
To do this, you will need to construct a custom breakout cable. Please contact Technical
Support for further information.