
Compaq MX11800 model integrated keyboard and mouse only: The mouse consistently
fails to boot when the Extender is connected to a PC running Windows NT
through its PS/2 style mouse port.
Possible Solutions:
There are three possible solutions to this problem:
1. Use a different type of mouse.
2. Connect the Extender to your NT 4.0 PCs through an adapter and one of the
PC’s serial ports rather than through its PS/2 port.
3. Select “CPU zero” while NT is booting. You should be able to use the system
normally once the logon screen appears.
7.4 Resetting the Extender (Hardware Reset)
The ServSwitch Wizard Extender has a hardware-reset function that does not
require you to remove power to the Extender. To trigger a hardware reset, set
position 1 of the DIP switch on the Extender’s transmitter (see Section 4.2.1) to
ON. This DIP-switch position is directly connected to the Extender’s
microprocessor; when you set it ON, the microprocessor essentially shuts down. To
finish resetting the Extender, move position 1 back to OFF; power is restored to
the microprocessor, which then performs a complete hardware reset.
7.5 Displaying the Extender’s Firmware Revision
For technical-support purposes, it might be necessary to find out the firmware-
release version of your ServSwitch Wizard Extender. To do this, select the CPU and
get to a DOS prompt, a text prompt, etc.—it doesn’t matter what software is
running, as long as it displays characters typed in at the keyboard on the screen.
Then refer to Section 4.2.2 as you take these steps:
1. Go into configuration mode by pressing the hotkeys followed by [Enter] at
the primary control station’s keyboard.
2. Get the Extender to report its firmware revision by issuing the [F] [1] [Enter]
command. (“[F] [1]” is the letter “F” followed by the number “1”, not the
[F1] function key.)
3. Press [Enter] again to exit configuration mode.
The version number will be reported on screen as the letter “V” followed by three
numbers, the first of which is the major revision level and the other two of which
are the minor revision level. For example, if the Extender reports “V118”, the
firmware version is 1.18.