
CHAPTER 2: Introduction
2. Introduction
The Remote Management Switch (part number SW555A or SW555AE) can be
used for serial switching and as an AC power control system. A Remote
Management Switch with Modem (part number SW556A [includes 33.6 kbps
modem] or SW556AE [includes 56 kbps modem]) is also available.
Figure 2-1. Front and rear views of the Switch.
2.1 Port Selector
As a port selector, the Remote Management Switch allows one master RS-232
asynchronous channel to be selectively switched to any of up to 4 ports. You can
use the Switch as a port selector to provide access from one modem or terminal to
multiple systems. Typically, you can use the Switch to access out-of-band
management ports on multiple devices. By using simple escape strings or menu
commands, you can select which port to access. Ports can also access the master by
raising a control lead. While accessing a port, the Switch is passive, allowing all data
to pass until it receives a user-programmable command.
2.2 Power Controller
You can control the four AC outlets on the Remote Management Switch. The
Switch accepts code or menu commands from its master port to power on, off, or
reboot the outlets.