9.2 The On-Screen Menus
The UICD’s on-screen display consists of four main windows: the Channel-List Menu, the User-List Menu (for
the administrator only), the User/Administrator-Controls Menu, and the Command-Line-Entry Window. To
access the Channel-List Menu, press either [Ctrl] (control) key on the shared keyboard twice within one
second; press [Alt] + [Tab] to cycle through the remaining menus. While you’re in the on-screen display
system, you can press [F1] at any time for context-sensitive help.
Certain menus and commands within the on-screen display are only available if you’re logged in as the system
administrator. Any options that can only be used by system administrators will be covered in Sections 9.3 and
9.4. The rest of Section 9.2 deals with menus and options that can be accessed by all system users.
9.2.1 T
Once you have logged into the ServSwitch Multi’s on-screen display system, the Channel-List Menu (shown in
Figure 9-1) is the first menu displayed. After login, you may activate the Channel-List Menu by pressing either
of the keyboard’s [Ctrl] keys twice within one second. This menu lists all named computer channels in your
system with their ServSwitch Multi channel addresses and access status. The administrator will always have full
access to every server; for full descriptions of all of the administrator’s options at the Channel-List Menu, see
Section 9.3. Individual user profiles will have varying degrees of access, determined by the system administrator.
Only the channels that are included in a user’s profile will be listed. (See Section 9.4 for more details.)
Figure 9-1. The Channel-List Menu.
This menu shows the name of, ServSwitch Multi address of, and individual access privileges for, each server.
(Access privileges are shown as “V,” “K,” and “P”—see Table 9-3 at the end of Section 9.3.2.E.) Use the
keyboard’s up- and down-arrow keys and the page-up and page-down keys to select a channel. You can move
immediately to the top or bottom of the list with the [Home] and [End] keys. Press [Enter] to switch to your
selected channel. To exit the on-screen display without changing channels, press [Esc].
The white bar at the bottom of the menu lists all of the available menu options; use the [F11] key on the
shared keyboard to scroll through them (see Table 9-1 on the next page for the user options; see Table 9-2
following Section 9.3.1.C for the administrator options).