ServSwitch Wizard VGA (USB)
724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
Page 24
724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
Table 4-1. Configuration menu options
Letter Number Description
B Enter the OPTIONS port Baud rate menu
1 1200 (default)
2 2400
3 9600
4 19200
5 38400
6 57600
7 115200
F Enter the Functions menu
1 Show current firmware version
2 Refresh EDID information from the connected video display (default)
3 Use the stored EDID at startup, do not interrogate the video display
8 Reset configuration to factory defaults ( is displayed momentarily)
H Enter the Hotkey menu
1 Ctrl + Alt (default)
2 Ctrl + Shift
3 Alt + Shift
4 Right Alt
5 Alt
6 Left Ctrl + Alt
7 Right Ctrl + Alt
8 Hotkeys disabled
O Enter the Options port behavior menu
1 Channel switching via RS-232 serial control (using the baud rate set by the ‘B’ option). Contact
switching via the Options port disabled. (default)
2 Channel switching via remote. Contact switching disabled (reserved for future use).
3 As per 1 but with contact switching enabled.
P Set a new password for use with the lock mode
S Enter the Switch Mode menu
1 All (default)
2 KVM + Speaker
3 KVM only
4 Speaker only
5 USB1 only
6 USB2 only
T Enter the Autoscan Time Delay menu
1 Autoscan disabled
2 2 seconds
3 5 seconds (default)
4 7 seconds
5 15 seconds
6 30 seconds
7 1 minute
8 5 minutes
U Enter the User Preferences menu
1 Enable mouse switching (default)
2 Disable mouse switching
7 Cycle all ports (when using ‘Hotkey + Tab’ or ‘Autoscan’) (default)
8 Cycle only active ports (when using ‘Hotkey + Tab’ or ‘Autoscan’)