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Chapter 3: Installing the Heat-Transfer Door
5. Air purging tool (sold separately). One air purging tool can be used to commission multiple HTDs.
6. Hose Kits (sold separately)
7. Water Treatment (sold separately)
8. Raised Floor Grommet (needed if a raised floor is used; sold separately)
NOTE: Contact Black Box Technical Support at 724-746-5500 or info@blackbox.com to order accessories that are sold separately.
Figure 3-3. Bottom-feed model (left) and top-feed model (right).
The following tools (not included) are required to complete an installation:
1. Tool used to remove the existing IT enclosure rear door hinges and latch (see the Enclosure Installation Manual provided by the
enclosure vendor for details).
2. Tool used to attach the Transition Frame (if required) to the IT enclosure rear frame (see the Transition Frame Installation Guide
for details).
3. 4-mm hex key to attach the Heat-Transfer Door hinge to the IT enclosure rear frame or Transition Frame (if required).
4. A bucket (approximately 2 quarts/2 liters) to capture water that escapes as you purge air from the system while filling the
Heat-Transfer Door with treated water.
5. Tool to cut a hole in the raised floor tile for the hose to pass through (if a raised floor is used).
NOTE: Water exposure is not likely, but you might prefer to place some water-absorbent material beneath the Heat-Transfer Door
as a general practice when performing procedures on the HTD.