
APPENDIX C: Command Summary
Command Values Description
+++AT<CR> In-band Escape Sequence. Places modem in
Command Mode while still remaining On-
Line. Enter +++ followed by the letters A
and T, up to ten command characters, and
BREAK AT<CR> Out-of-band Escape Sequence. Places
modem in Command mode while still
remaining On- Line. Enter a BREAK signal,
followed by the letters A and T, up to sixty
command characters, and hit RETURN.
Callback Security/Remote Configuration Command Summary
Command Description
#DBn #DB0 disables Callback Security and answering Yes
to the prompt turns off Callback Security and
erases stored phone numbers and passwords.
Answering No to the prompt aborts the command.
#DB1 activates remote and local password security.
#DB2 activates remote password security.
#CBNyyxxxxxx Callback password with xxxxxx being callback
password and yy being the memory location.
Callback password xxxxxx must start with a non-
numeric character and upper/lower case sensitive.
Callback password xxxxxx must be a minimum of
6 and maximum of 10 characters. yy memory
locations are from 0 to 29. Must specify P (pulse)
or T (tone) dialing in string.
+ - Dxxxxxx???Nxx Callback Phone Numbers xxxxxx with the +
preceding the phone number indicating the
callback modem phone number for the
corresponding password at the same memory