
Total number of frames transmitted and received by layer 1 (the physical layer).
Total number of information frames transmitted and received by layer 2 (the link control layer).
Total number of information frames transmitted and received by layer 3 (the X.25 layer).
Current X.25 synchronization status, and the total number of X.25 synchronization losses.
The average number of data buffers in the Fradswitch “pool,” and the recorded minimum
number of buffers in this pool.
• Asynchronous channels status. The following information is available for each channel:
The subaddresses of each channel.
The current channel operating mode (data transfer/command mode).
The current status (free/engaged) and the software flow control state.
The logical channel numbers used by each channel, and the address reached through
each logical channel.
The number of active logical channels and active sessions.
The number of buffers currently allocated to the transmit (to network) and receive
(to user) directions.
Autocall ID (mnemonic) configured to the channel.
The number of the profile currently used by the channel, and the current values
of the individual PAD parameters.
The state of the channel RTS line (when relevant).
• X.25 links status. The following information is available for each channel:
Protocol, synchronization state, and transmission mode (DCE or DTE).
Current allocation of logical channels (per type) within the logical group in use, the number
of active channels, and the total number of layer 3 information frames transmitted through
each type of logical channel.
• Logical channel status and the current values of the main protocol variables.
• Physical layer (layer 1) driver statistics:
Total number of frames transmitted and received by layer 1 (the physical layer).
The number of R frames waiting in the buffers.
The physical layer state, and the state of the CD and CTS interface lines.