s Wireless Modem
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
Watch Alarms
Alarms for V1.7
LIU Alarms
In the Counters and Tracers menu, type A to display the alarms of the monitored unit
Message: Input CLK to LIU is 0
Description: Appears in a unit with V.35/RS-530/X.21 hardware that is configured in
software as an E1/T1 unit.
Correction: Select the correct LIU type in the LIU parameters menu.
Message: LOS (all zeros signal)
Description: Indicates an all zeros signal to an E1/T1 or a Fractional E1/T1 LIU. This may
be caused by a cable problem, or because the end equipment is not connected
to the unit.
Correction: Check the cable and/or the connection of the end equipment to the unit.
Message: AIS
Description: Indicates an all ones signal to an E1/T1 or a Fractional E1/T1 LIU. This may
be caused by a problem in the cable, which connects the end equipment.
Check the cable, which connects the end equipment.
No Input CLK to LIU, Set End-Equipment to source
Description: Appears in V.35/RS-530/X.21 units that are configured as DCE EXTERNAL
CLOCK or as DTE; indicates that the end equipment does not supply a clock
to the LIU.
Correction: Configure the end equipment to supply the clock, and connect it to the