5.9 Buffer Status Indicators
The buffer status indicators show the state of the internal buffer memory in
the form of a bar graph:
⁄4 Indicator—Buffer is over 1/4 full
⁄2 Indicator—Buffer is over 1/2 full
⁄4 Indicator—Buffer is over 3/4 full
• F (full) Indicator—Buffer is completely full
If the buffer often fills to the
⁄4 level, consider purchasing additional
memory for increased performance.
The Modular Smart Switch will always operate correctly even if the buffer
becomes full. If you have any problems when the buffer memory is full,
check the handshaking settings on your equipment and your cabling.
5.7 Using the Modular Smart Switch
Printer and Plotter Sharing Applications
The Modular Smart Switch is now ready for use as a printer sharer for the
printer attached to port 1. Data sent in from any computer will automatically
be sent to this port.
Users can print simultaneously, and the Modular Smart Switch will buffer
the information until it can be sent to the default printer/plotter. All data
from one source is treated as a single printable file until there has been a
break in the transmission for more than the timeout period (see Section 4.1).
If two or more printers/plotters are connected to the Modular Smart
Switch, you will need the software (see Chapter 6) or software commands (see
Chapter 9) to select between them. Other options and facilities are also
detailed in these two sections.
General Datacomm Applications
Once you are communicating correctly with the Modular Smart Switch, you
can select between ports by sending ASCII command strings. In addition to
the data destination, these ASCII command strings can be used to select the
timeout period, “broadcast” data to several ports, and make/break permanent
(no timeout) connections. The serial ports on the Modular Smart Switch are
bidirectional. Refer to Chapter 7 for details on how to use the command
strings and the connection options available.
5.8 Port Indicators (1 to 12)
The port indicators can be off, on, or flashing.
• Off—When a port indicator is off, nothing is being transferred into or out
of that port and no data is available.
• On—The port indicator is on when data is available. If data has been sent
in on a port, the activity light will remain on until the port has timed out
(after no data has been sent for the timeout period).
• Flashing—While data is being transferred either into or out of the Modular
Smart Switch, the activity indicator will flash.